Financing and capital without loan talks and without loan check

Procurement of capital about the capital market without bank

Procurement of capital about the capital market or the financial markets
The title story in a big German business magazine issue (5) Mays/2008 is "financing without bank". The contribution describes that also the small and middle-size enterprises get to feel the worldwide financial crises in Germany. At many companies the financing is threatened on account of the groggy loan institutes meanwhile. The banks would also require clearly higher interest impacts and risk impacts, so that the loan financing would become too expensive for the enterprises. Some loan institutes would pull back her financing assents meanwhile even again. The article in the enterpriser's magazine indicates alternative enterprise financing without bank loans and gives an overview about the financing possibilities without banks.

Financing is usually tiresome, because they assume loan talks with the bank after customary behaviour patterns and follow then suitable loan check. The loan check results are always depending on credit standing and rating and from the competitive positioning at the bank. However, financing is also possible completely without bank about the ausserbörslichen capital markets if one follows the legal rules and knows the access roads.

Who would like to find out on direct way about the financing without bank, this can act with the Dr. Werner Financial Service AG. For the financing experts with long-standing capital market experience this is o.g. Subject of the financing without bank loans "title story" (speak core business) for 27 years! The experts are glad that now the business magazine press picks out as a central theme her achievement domain of the financing independent of bank for enterprise and KMU's. Noun est omen: see
The procurement of capital and financing independent of bank about the private financial market and capital markets is possible for every enterprise in all scales and is moveable. Up to twenty sponsors it requires no bankaufsichtsrechtlichen approval to the procurement of capital. Only with bigger capital what more than 20 private financiers are necessary one must be carried out by the security supervision (BaFin in Frankfurt / the Main) approved capital market issue about a private Placement (