Fa "Oasis Solar and rent GmbH & Co KG" offers participation in innovative commercial draught

Oasis Solar GmbH & Co. KG with an interesting commercial model to the participation market controlled.

The fa "Oasis Solar and rent GmbH & Co KG" transfers about the Dr. Werner Financial Service AG a participation offer of private investors in the free participation market to the company capital admission for investments (http://www.finanzierung-ohne-bank.de). The "Oasis Solar GmbH & Co. KG" is solar in the area and Photovoltaik arrangements, in particular in roof arrangements on big garage roofs active. By the feed-law EEG and the legally guaranteed least reimbursement the stream yields from the solar arrangements are reliably calculable. Just on roof arrangements the highest Einspeisevergütungen are achieved currently. The innovation lies in the use of the roofs of garage arrangements.

The fa Oasis Solar-and-rent GmbH & Co. KG offers a pleasure right participation with a middle Fristigkeit of 5 years to investors and private sponsors. A pleasure right acquisition is planned from 15,000 euros without agio. The investor's number was limited to 20 investors. The middle use of the capital serves additional investments for the removal of other Photovoltaik-roof arrangements. Aim is about it to grow furthermore independently of bank, to improve the balance structure and to finance other investments from the investment capital to be taken up without bank loans. The owner-controlled enterprise has with the managing companion Ansgar Dietz a knowledgeable solar expert who leads the enterprise. Dietz looks at the solar energy as one of the most important cornerstones of the energy supply of the future. The detailed participation plan can be claimed directly at the enterprise under info@oasis-solar.de. Prospective customers can receive further information about him http://www.emissionsmarktplatz.de.